Terms & Conditions
By registering online, customers are accepting Funkaar Institute Terms & Conditions. Please read these carefully before registration. Customer payment for class serves as an electronic signature to Funkaar Institute Policies stated herein.
Violation of these policies may result in being dropped from the course. Policies are subject to change without notice prior to registration. All policy administration issues are processed through Funkaar Institute, Inc headquarters in Sacramento, California. All policy related requests should be emailed to registrar@funkaarinstitute.com.
This agreement is between customer or attendee ‘Student' and Funkaar Institute Inc ‘Funkaar’ for enrollment 'Registration' of nontangible services or tangible goods. Funkaar has a 'use it or loose it' policy.
A.1 All Funkaar registrations are subject to the following::
ALL registration are processed on-line. Exception apply to international students and on a case-by-case basis. Checks are accepted for Corporate and On-sites classes only.
Your PayPal payment receipt is proof of your registration, please bring this to each class
You must make full payment prior to attending any Funkaar classes. Partial payment or promise to pay is not acceptable.
Mandatory Online Checkin is required for class attendance, syllabus access, and simulator access.
Course registrations include live instruction ONLY.
Tuition does NOT include out-of-class services including but not limited to: instructor mentoring, response to emails, private tutoring, online mock exams, document download, handouts, syllabus, simulator, textbooks, or any other requests for services out-of-class.
Student's Zoom login serves as the primary proof of attendance. Attendance may be further verified by the instructor.
If you somehow attend a class without payment, you will be invoiced for the class.
10% per month late fee up to 200% class tuition will be accrued for each month of payment delay after class date.
Early departure or partial class attendance requires full class payment.
Enrollment on-line is required prior to arrival at class. Please DO NOT show up or login to class without enrollment as you may also be asked to leave.
'Sitting In' or auditing qualifies as class attendance and requires full payment for each attendee.
Students are granted one seat in each enrolled class. Family members, minors or companions, pets or other individuals not qualifying as exam candidates are not permitted in class.
Name change on original registration is permitted prior to start date of first class of the registration. Please notify us by email at registrar@funkaarinstitute.com with the name, address, email address of the actual attendee. The attendee will be required to submit an email agreement to our policies.
Registrations can not be split between several persons. The same person must attend the entire registration duration.
If you have an outstanding balance with us, new or future registration funds will automatically be applied towards this outstanding balance. Remainder will be available to use toward the future registrations.
Tutoring registrations are valid for 4-MONTHS from date of purchase. Partially used or unused tutoring sessions will expire at this time.
Employees, agents, or volunteer leaders of the following affiliate organizations are NOT permitted into class:
a) National Council of Architecture Registration Board
b) National Architectural Accreditation Board
c) American Institute of Architects
d) American Institute of Architecture Students
e) US Licensed Architects (with exception to CSE students)
f) Competitors or Licensing exam preparation providors.
A.2 Class Entry is subject to the following:
A payment receipt is emailed to the address you provide at time of registration. This is your ONLY proof of payment.
If you didn't receive one, its likely you didn't complete the registration process. It is the your responsibility to carry this to each class. Arriving without a receipt disrupts class, as we have to take class time to resolve your registration.
If you come to class without proof of payment, you may be asked to leave. Any signs of anger/attitude/improper conduct will result in dismissal from classes indefinitely.
If you believe you have paid but have no proof of payment, we may ask you to pay in class if we cannot locate your registration. Duplicate registrations are always refunded less 5% processing fee.
1.1 All refund requests are subject to the following:
All refunds requests received within 24-hrs of purchase are subject to a minimum processing fee of 5% regardless of reason for the refund. This fee covers fees charged by our payment processor. Only refund requests within 24-hrs of enrollment are considered 'purchases made by mistake or in error' and will incur the 5% fee. Refund requests received more than 24-hr after purchase are not considered 'purchases made by mistake or in error'.
ALL refund requests must be made by email to registrar@funkaarinstitute.com at least 14-DAYS prior to Session 1 of upcoming exam division class or upcoming tutoring date and within 60-DAYS of initial registration date as listed on payment receipt.
Discount or pro-ration is not offered for partial attendance of multiple part division classes. A multiple part division is non-refundable once you have attended any part of that division. For example if you attend Session 1 only for a multiple session division then tuition for that division becomes non-refundable.
There is no refund due to a last minute emergency or cancellation on class date or after the class date regardless of attendance, after receiving syllabus access, early departure from class or late arrival to class.
A charge-back or conversion claim after receiving tangible goods and non-tangible services may be subject to legal action or debt owed on the student's personal credit report as reported by all three credit bureaus. The charges will include amount for non-discounted late tuition, plus $200 chargeback fee, plus monthly interest at 10% up to 200% late tuition value, plus fees any other fees incurred to Funkaar relating from chargeback such as collection fees.
The student agrees that as the sole beneficiary of the services provided by Funkaar that the student is the ultimate debt holder and bears responsibility for the tuition owed regardless of the party making the payment. Even if tuition payment is made by an employer, friend or relative, or any other party, any tuition owed will be filed as a debt on the student personal credit report.
Attendance or Zoom login of total class time greater than 45-min is considered consumption of services and serves as proof of student's satisfaction with the course. Repeated attendance further serves as proof of student satisfaction with the course. Refund demand due to dissatisfaction are subject to refund policies outlined here. No exceptions.
Funkaar Institute does not guarantee passing of exams. Refunds for failure of exams after class are not provided.
Students requesting refunds will loose access to corresponding digital syllabus upon processing of refund request. Syllabi do not have a refund value.
Any pro-rated refunds are subject to discount forfeit. Pro-rated refunds are based on non-discounted late tuition value.
1.2 Individual Division registration cancellation for three or less exam divisions is subject to all of the following:
$150 cancellation fee for Codes & Regulations plus full tuition for classes attended or classes within 14-day of refund request.
$150 cancellation fee for Construction & Evaluation plus full tuition for classes attended or classes within 14-day of refund request.
$150 cancellation fee for Practice Management plus full tuition for division(s) attended or falling within 14-day of refund request.
$150 cancellation fee for Project Management plus full tuition for division(s) attended or falling within 14-day of refund request.
$250 cancellation fee for Programming & Analysis plus full tuition for division(s) attended or falling within 14-day of refund request.
$250 cancellation fee for California Supplemental Examination plus full tuition for classes attended or classes within 14-day of refund request.
$350 cancellation fee for Project Planning & Design (PPD) plus full tuition for classes attended or classes within 14-day of refund request.
$350 cancellation fee for Project Development & Documentation (PDD) plus full tuition for classes attended or classes within 14-day of refund request.
$350 cancellation fee for Interior Design Fundamentals Exam plus full tuition for classes attended or classes within 14-day of refund request.
$450 cancellation fee for PPD + PDD combined registration plus full tuition for classes attended or classes within 14-day of refund request.
$450 cancellation fee for Interior Design Professional Exam plus full tuition for classes attended or classes within 14-day of refund request.
$450 cancellation fee for Practicum plus full tuition for classes attended or classes within 14-day of refund request.
1.3 Full Course or any registration for three exam or greater divisions is subject to all of the following:
$450 cancellation fee; and
Tuition equivalent to corresponding Individual Division registration is charged for classes attended or falling within 14-day of refund request..
1.4 Online Private Tutoring registration for 7-hrs or less is subject to all of the following:
$250 cancellation fee; and
$325 per hour for tutoring hours attended/forfeited/falling within next 72-hrs of refund request.
1.5 Tutoring registration for more than 7-hrs of tutoring is subject to all of the following:
$450 cancellation fee; and
$325 per hour for tutoring hours attended/forfeited/falling within next 72-hrs of refund request.
1.6 Reinstatement of re-enrollment after a refund has been processed is subject to all of the following:
$250 reinstatement fee per enrollment.
1.7 Syllabus extension purchase is subject to the following:
$100 cancellation fee;
1.8 Non-refundable fees include but are not limited to the following:
Tutoring extension fee to extend tutoring expiration.
Syllabus Extension fees.
Tuition for classes or tutoring sessions attended in part of whole.
Tuition for classes with a past date.
Tuition for classes held within 14-days of written refund request.
Transferred funds or value of transferred classes.
Partial tuition for attendance of any portion of a multiple part division class.
Tuition for missed classes or tutoring session regardless of reason.
Cancellation fees for refund requests resulting from Force Majeure events.
Cancellation fees for refund requests.
Transfer fee to transfer original tuition funds to future classes.
Reinstatement fees for re-enrollment after refund.
Late payment fee.
Expired or Forfeited or Unused class, tutoring, mocks, simulators or other services are non-refundable.
2.1 Full Course or Full Tutoring Bundle discounts are subject to the following:
Registration for all remaining exam divisions must be processed within 7-DAYS of first class or tutoring date.
Incremental registrations for individual sessions throughout the course do not qualify for full course discount.
2.2 Repeat class discounts are subject to the following:
Only applicable to exam divisions previously attended with payment of full division tuition.
Not applicable to exam divisions previously attended with a fee waiver or partial tuition.
Original division attendance must be in the previous 4-year or later. Attendance prior to previous 4-years is not applicable for repeat discount.
2.3 ALL requests for special discounts or rebates must be approved prior to payment and registration.
2.4 Promotion and coupons:
All promotion and coupon codes are valid for 30-days from publication. No exceptions
3.1 Transferred enrollments are submit to all other policies and additional subject to the following:
As of June 2021, transfers are NOT permitted. Students must attend the classes for the original enrollment date regardless of reason.
All transfers are subject to minimum $250 non-refundable fee.
Students must bear the burden of all losses due to medical or personal or work emergencies.
All transfer request form must be submitted through the Funkaar website no later than 14-days prior to start of first class date for the original enrolled class. Transfer requests can not be received by phone or by Funkaar chat.
Transfer requests must contain student full name, NCARB Record#, student email. Your full name serves as your digital signature as agreeemnt to the transfer.
Transfer is applied as dollar value funds towards future classes available for transfer.
Transfer requests are not considered for courses that are not available are not available for enrollment on Funkaar website.
Once your request is approved, we will send you a class login access by email which serves as proof of transfer.
All transfers are limited by seat availability. Transfer is not allowed into divisions that are full or have no more seats available.
Partial transfer for part of class or multipart sessions is not permitted.
Transferred registrations or funds are not eligible for a refund.
Only ONE transfer is permitted per registration. Transfer due to multiple emergencies/reasons or same repeated emergency/reasons is not permitted for the same registration or same student.
Transfers must be attended by the original designated registrant. Transfer funds cannot be transferred to another person.
Transfer funds are not automatically applied to a future course. Student must contact Funkaar PRIOR to expiration date of transfer funds to apply the funds.
If you choose to transfer, you have to accommodate our course location and schedule. ("I thought you were going to offer it again next term"... is not a valid excuse for missing a transfer)
If we are not offering a future course in your area, you must attend a course in another location.
It is the student's sole responsibility to look up class schedule on the Funkaar website for transfer options. Funkaar will not send expiration warnings or automatically apply transfer funds.
Obtaining syllabus access for transferred courses will forfeit transfer funds regardless of access duration.
All transfers expire in ONE-YEAR from original registration date.
Courtesy extension to transfer funds beyond expiration date is not granted regardless of reason.
4.1 Enrollment cancellations by Funkaar are subject to the following:
Funkaar Institute holds the right to cancel or reschedule any class due to low registration, instructor emergency, violation of Funkaar policies or unforeseeable events.
Students should provide accurate email at time of registration so you can be reached in the rare event of last minute class delays.
Students should check email and website for course updates prior to class.
Students can email registrar@funkaarinstitute.com with a written refund request for rescheduled classes free of any fees as long as such request is made 14-days prior to new date.
Funkaar Institute is not responsible for personnel expenses such as exam rescheduling fee, costs of travel, hotel, scheduling conflicts or other personal issues caused by class cancellations. We can simply refund the canceled class tuition paid for that class day.
By registering online, student agrees not to hold Funkaar Institute liable for personal expenses and schedules in relation to class cancellation. Students paying for travel expenses in relation to classes hold full and sole responsibility for such expenses or schedules in the event of class cancellation.
For multi-part sessions where a single part is canceled, you will be refunded pro-rated tuition based on number of class hours canceled (ie Part 1 attended and Part 2 canceled means we would refund Part 2 ONLY not the previously attended part)
If tutoring is canceled by Funkaar Institute, refunds are pro-rated for any unused portion of registered hours. Refund is not provided for tutoring already held.
4.2 Class cancellation due to Force Majeure:
Funkaar is not liable for delay or cancellation of classes due to any of the following causes, to the extent beyond reasonable control: acts of God, accident, riots, war, terrorist act, epidemic, pandemic, quarantine, civil commotion, loss of power, loss of internet signal, breakdown of communication facilities, breakdown of web host, loss of GotoMeeting connection, natural catastrophes, governmental acts or omissions, changes in laws or regulations, national strikes, fire, explosion, generalized lack of availability of raw materials or energy.
Students requesting refunds due to Force Majeure are subject to full cancellation fees per these policies.
Classes will be rescheduled and resume as soon as possible.
Funkaar will provide students with at minimum two rescheduling options dictated by Funkaar in the event of cancellation due to Force Majeure.
Students must reschedule within 12-months of Force Majeure event. Failure to reschedule will result in forfeit of any and all remaining fees.
COVID19 reschedule deadlines are measured from shut down dates listed by CDC March 15, 2020. Students who have not rescheduled or attended classes by March 15, 2021 will loose all classes and services not used by that time. All forfeited services are non-refundable.
5.1 Architect iReady Course, Architect iReadyFast, Private Online Tutoring, and Private iReady Course are subject to the following:
Online instruction is taught live using GotoMeeting as distant learning platform.
Students are required to ensure personal electronic devices meet GotoMeeting System Requirements prior to registration for payment.
Online instruction content is confidential and can not be posted, reformatted, sold or distributed to others. Digital recording of tutoring sessions is NOT permitted. Digital recording includes screenshots, still images, audio recording, video recording, or any other form of digital capture.
Classes must be attended ONLY by the registered individual. Other persons can not 'sit-in' or observe on the distant learning session.
Upon login students must input their full legal name when prompted by GotoMeeting. Student name must appear on the attendee list.
The instructor will only instruct on material pertaining directly to the exam. Instructor can not advise on matters unrelated to exam preparation.
During class, student will be able to ask questions and converse with the instructor as they annotate on the online screen.
Absolutely no class materials are mailed or emailed as part of distant learning registration. Per our policies, the registration is for instructional time only.
Hard copy of syllabus is not provided.
Exam content consultation by phone or email is not provided prior to or after classes.
iReady classes do not include private tutoring.
5.2 Online Private Tutoring is subject to the following: (effective Jan 1, 2023)
Tutoring sessions require a 72-hr written rescheduling notification prior to tutoring date. Sessions without 72-hr notification will be forfeited and cannot be rescheduled regardless of reason.
All of the sessions must be held within 4-months measured from registration date.
Students may purchase tutoring expiration extension in 30-day increments.
Tutoring that has been extended is non-refundable.
Tutoring extension fee to extend tutoring expiration is non-refundable.
Tutoring Extension registration only extends tutoring expiration time and can not be used to add additional tutoring time.
Each students is limited to a maximum of 36-months of total Tutoring extension time.
6.1 Digital Syllabus Access is subject to the following:
Mandatory Online Checkin is required prior to syllabus access.
Syllabus access time lost due to student's failure to complete checkin will not be subject to an extension.
Attendance is required for syllabus access. Missing a registered class forfeits student right to a syllabus access for that class.
Syllabus access is not provided as part of single division Online Private Tutoring or attendance of partial division classes.
Students requesting refunds will loose access to syllabus upon processing of refund request. Syllabi do not have a refund value.
Syllabus access time is limited, firm, and can not be extended or split into multiple periods. Handouts are NOT emailed or mailed.
Digital Syllabus is not printable and can not be copied electronically.
Other courtesy giveaway such as booklets, educational utensils, pencil cases, etc are not included with course registration. These maybe distributed on a first come basis while supplies last.
Access begins at the start of Part 1 of each exam division instruction. Early syllabus access prior to start of exam division instruction is not provided. Syllabus access is not provided prior to class for any reason regardless of registration.
Only the registered student must be signed-in to class to receive syllabus access links. Syllabus access is not provided to family members or friends.
Your login to distant learning or signature of attendance confirms receipt of access link to digital syllabus.
Funkaar Institute does not email or mail handouts for missed class days regardless of registration.
Funkaar does not provide syllabus for previously missed or future classes on other class days regardless of registration.
Funkaar Institute does not provide bulk or multiple syllabi access at one time for the entire course or multiple classes regardless of registration.
Syllabi access is not available for individual purchase.
Students dismissed from class or receiving a pro-rated refund will loss access to syllabus immediately upon dismissal. Full tuition is required for syllabus access per enrollment terms.
Students violating Funkaar policies or those that share syllabus access with others will immediately loose syllabus access.
Funkaar does not give complimentary syllabi access for cancelled or unregistered classes.
Syllabi are intended to be course companions and are not meant to be deciphered independently of class.
Syllabus access is provided as a supplement to the lecture and are considered a lecture companion or outline of topics to help prepare for an individual exam division. Students are expected to take personal notes during lecture to reinforce the information delivered by the instructor.
Syllabi are not considered reading material or a replacement for lecture or text books recommended for the class.
Students are not provided transcript of lecture or summary of lecture notes after class.
Copies of instructor personal notes or annotations on the whiteboard will not be provided to the students.
Certain recommend documents may be available for student download as courtesy supplemental information. Such downloadable documents are not included with any course registration and are not subject to any refund value.
Approximate page count varies per syllabus.
The syllabus is a live-feed, time-sensitive, and unedited document to streamline release of exam content quickly in a raw state. Due to this fluctuating nature of the syllabus, it is excluded from conventional publication ready quality control protocols. Students should be prepared for minor typos and live edits during classes.
Syllabus is an outline of Funkaar classroom lecture content. It is intended to serve as a lecture companion.
Syllabus does NOT replace a textbook and does not contain reading material.
6.2 Syllabus purchase is subject to the following:
Syllabus registration is limited to current or former Funkaar students verifiable by Funkaar. New or prospective students can not request a syllabus upgrade.
Students may purchase a single 30-day syllabus extension per division within 60-days of original syllabus access expiration date.
Valid if purchased within 60-days of class syllabus expiration date OR
Valid if purchased within 90-days after class attendance OR
Valid if purchased within 14-days of tutoring enrollment.
Syllabus Extension offers the following access start options:
(a) Access start immediately upon purchase; or
(b) Access start 30-days after purchase.
7.1 Online Simulator Access is subject to the following:
Simulator access is non-refundable.
Each simulator includes unlimited tries to take the same batch of questions within 10-DAYS from purchase. Student must ensure stable internet connection before starting the simulator. Time extension is not granted due to lost internet connection.
Access to simulator is sent by email within 24-hours after registration.
Any used mocks or tries are forfeit upon expiration date.
8.1 Online Mock Exam Access is subject to the following:
Online Mock Exam purchase is non-refundable.
Each exam purchase permits 2-TRIES to take the same batch of questions within 7-DAYS from purchase. Student must ensure stable internet connection before starting an exam. Additional tries are not granted due to lost internet connection.
Customer must check system requirements and obtain gmail account prior to payment.
Access to exam is sent by email within 24-hours after registration.
All individual mock exam registrations expire 7-DAYS after payment regardless of use.
Any used mocks or tries are forfeit upon expiration.
Exam must be completed prior to viewing of the score.
You cannot return to the exam after grading.
Explanation is provided for most incorrect responses only. Answer explanation is not provided for correct responses.
Funkaar will not provide email clarification to mock exam questions.
Mock Exams are not intended to be instructional or replace classes. They are considered a supplement to exam preparation.
Mock exams are not awarded as a courtesy.
Mock exams are not included as part of any class or tutoring registration.
9.1 All customers are subject to the following. Violation of Funkaar policies will lead to dismissal from class and further instruction:
Funkaar educational standards, tutoring content, lecture content, syllabus, student work, vignette grading, online mock exams, downloadable documents, and class assignments are confidential and the sole copyright of Funkaar Institute.
Students are prohibited from selling, display, sharing, distribution, plagiarism, posting, duplication of class content or Funkaar copyrighted documents in part or whole to any persons or entities including email distribution of notes on exam content taken during class.
Photographs, screenshots, audio and video recording of class content is strictly prohibited. Violators will be dismissed from class without warning.
Students must not to solicit electronic versions of class content from other students.
Students must not advice other students on other exam preparation or methods of violating Funkaar policies.
Class discussion and instruction is confidential. Recording or photo of class is strictly prohibited. Privacy is expected.
Do not email or distribute class notes to others. Students are not permitted to solicit classmates for class notes or email addresses. -
Electronic distribution is particularly vulnerable to mass distribution. For this reason, Funkaar prohibits scanning and emailing of class notes and content. Digital course content distribution can jeopardize Funkaar's specialty education business of exam preparation and lead to substantial loss in income.
Students must not display class notes in office library where they may be shared by other exam candidates.
Funkaar Institute reserves the right to record any class using any medium for student attendance verification or advertising purposes.
Specifically, Students must not distribute Funkaar material to persons associated with the following entities deemed collateral competitors:
(a) American Institute of Architects (AIA)
(b) National Architectural Accreditation Board (NAAB)
(c) National Council of Architect Registration Boards (NCARB)
(d) Any US State Architect licensing board of examiners (such as California Architect’s Board)
(e) American Institute of Architectural Students (AIAS)
(f) Any US licensed Architect
(g) Any exam preparation provider -
This nondisclosure clause shall be binding irrespective of the duration of the Student agreement with Funkaar. Student nondisclosure obligations shall survive the termination of the Student agreement irrespective of the reason of termination.
10.1 Instruction at Funkaar is considered formal Information Based Learning and is subject to the following:
This instructional method is used to engage student senses through hearing, seeing and note-taking to process information output from the instructor. Information based instruction includes accepted industry standards, building codes, and regulations.
Instruction does not include instructor personal opinion and can not be applied to actual real-life experience but is considered book-knowledge required for licensing preparation.
Although, instruction includes Situational Based Learning, Funkaar instructors can not offer advise or opinion on actual project situations.
Situational project scenarios and case studies are utilized to enhance student understand of exam content.
Students will learn answering strategies, make decisions based on set of priorities, and analyze the impact of design decisions. This involves individual student analysis of case-study documents dealing with key professional issues, roles and timelines with the scenario parameters.
In-Person classes are typically held on college campus classrooms but may be periodically held in conference rooms in other facility types.
Technical Presentation equipment use such as projectors or computers is considered optional and is left to the instructor's discretion as a supplemental instructional tool. Instructors may opt to simple annotate on a chalk or white board.
Copies of instructor personal notes are not be provided to the students.
Textbook recitation is not part of our classes. Textbooks are used for home study. The instructor will not recite the textbooks during class.
Collaborative Learning with short question/answer periods is distributed throughout lecture.
Funkaar classes do not include colloquial learning, critique, lengthy debate or discussion on any single topic.
Funkaar does not offer pre-recorded instruction. All instruction is live.
In order to ensure updated exam content, Funkaar does not offer self-paced learning due to its nature for becoming outdated quickly. We update our lectures quarterly and at times monthly as needed to ensure current up-to-date content delivery.
11.1 All claims and disputes are subject to the following:
By registering online, students agree not to hold Funkaar Institute liable for personal property, injury, expenses and schedules in relation to class attendance or registration.
Funkaar Institute is not responsible for lost or damaged personal items in relation to class attendance or registration.
It is the attendees responsibility to secure personal laptops, bags, class notes, handouts, etc.
Funkaar Institute is not responsible for securing or safe guarding items left in class.
Funkaar Institute in not responsible for personal injury while attending or in relation to our classes. Students are required to carry health insurance.
Power for personal laptops maybe available through US standard wall outlets in some classrooms. Please ensure your computer is designed to handle standard US voltage prior to plug-in.
Funkaar Institute is not responsible for personal laptop loss of power or operation. The Instructor will continue lecture if power to laptops in not available due to unforeseen conditions. You are expected to take notes if you cannot power your laptop. Attendees are not granted refund or repeat class due to loss of power.
Funkaar Institute holds no responsibility for exam availability or exam fees or exam change fees as administered by a third party (NCARB, Prometric, USGBC, GBCI). We simply recommend a testing schedule. It is the student's responsibility to confirm exam availability and errors in schedule prior to exam registration.
Students must email Funkaar with attempt to resolve a dispute prior to filing dispute resolution with third party like Paypal and credit card companies. Opening a Paypal or Wix dispute case or filing any other form of claim will immediately result in being barred from all future Funkaar services regardless of the final decision on such case. Funkaar reserves the right to refuse service to anyone with pending claim, open case, or pending litigation against Funkaar.
Claim resulting in reversal of tuition or chargebacks by student's credit card company, Wix or Paypal for services or goods received will lead to dismissal and barring from future services. Such reversals will incur a minimum of $200 claim processing fees and additional late fees due to non-payment until resolved.
The student agrees to being the ultimate debt holder and bears responsibility of tuition owed. Funkaar reserves the right to report the charge backs, reversals, or tuition due as a credit debt on the student's personal credit to all three credit bureaus and collection agency regardless the form of original payment or original party making the payment. Student's person credit will receive a negative mark even if payment is made using another party credit card (such as a business credit card or credit card of a family member).
All claims, demands, disputes, legal notices, warnings, binding or non-binding resolutions and all legal actions are required to be filed by certified mail with Funkaar Institute, Inc. headquarters at 8690 Sierra College Blvd, #160, Roseville, Ca 95661. All binding and non-binding resolution including court proceedings, litigation or related filing must occur in the Superior Court of Placer County, CA. Binding method shall be Litigation.
Student live signature prior to class entry or student login email or name to remote class serves as legal proof of receipt of non-tangible services and tangible material. Students will be charged with litigation costs incurred on Funkaar Institute Inc, instructors and agents due to claims.
Funkaar Institute reserves the right to only respond once to duplicate or repeated or identical requests. Exhaustive or duplicate emails will not be addressed.
Funkaar Institute reserves the right to withdraw any discount or other courtesy offers immediately upon threats of claim or defamation are made.
Funkaar Institute does not provide education outside of class. Any responses to questions on class content outside of class is considered complimentary.
Although all attempts are made to present accurate content in class, from time to time errors in instruction may occur by individual instructors as part of class registration.
Individual instructor political or social views does not represent that of Funkaar Institute.
These Terms & Conditions and other agreements related to class registration are between the attendee and Funkaar Institute only.
By registration online, students agree to not hold Funkaar Institute, instructors, consultants, teaching assistants, representatives or agents liable for third party claims.
Funkaar Institute instructors, consultants, teaching assistants, representatives or agents are indemnified against claims filed against the company.
Funkaar Institute offers exam preparation through instruction, tutoring, online mock exams and vignette grading. We do not guarantee a passing result on any exam division with our services alone. Out-of-class preparation time is required by all attendees to sufficiently prepare for licensure.
12.1 Funkaar is dedicated to providing access to education for students with disabilities. We understands that interpretation of reasonable accommodations varies per person. After extensive discussions with the US Department of Justice, review of ADA Guidelines, and consultation with counsel, we have compiled our interpretation of this law. By registering for our classes, you are agreeing to our definition:
Funkaar Institute rents facilities at private and public colleges. All of these facilities are required by law to provide reasonable accommodations for access by disabled students. These include but are not limited to seating area, ramps, routes, elevators, toilets, etc.
Funkaar provides written outline of course content and written live instruction as effective methods of making orally delivered instruction available to individuals with hearing impairments.
Instruction is written on a whiteboard as effective communication and quantifiable education for all students. This whiteboard is projected during in-person classrooms and shared for view during online private tutoring. Whiteboard notes are not available after class hours. Students must participate in note taking during class.
Online private tutoring contains a chat window allowing hearing impaired students to effectively communicate during session by typing private messages to the instructor or class wide messages in order to interact with classmates.
For in-person classes, students are encouraged to communicate during class using written or oral format.
As the ability to read and write English is essential in passing of the licensing exams. Students are expected to be fluent in spoken or written English.
Due to the complexity of instruction and financial resources available annually, Funkaar does not currently provide ASL, foreign language interpreters, and note takers in the classroom. Its essential for students to focus on the written whiteboard instruction for note taking as many engineering terms and complex class content does not translate clearly in ASL or other languages. The cost of such services also far exceed tuition and financial resources available. Students are permitted to provide their own interpreters and note takers. Students are also encouraged to contact state agencies for financial support in providing of such services.
Students with limited hand mobility are permitted to provide their own note takers at the student's expense. We consider this a reasonable option to learning.
Reasonable accommodations do not include digital distribution of confidential course content or copyright documents. Students are not provided copy of instructor's handwritten notes. Students are not permitted to digitally record course content. The outlines of course content are considered sufficient for reasonable accommodations. Digital course content distribution can jeopardize Funkaar's specialty education business of exam preparation and lead to substantial loss in income. We consider such requests unreasonable.
13.1 Funkaar is dedicated to protecting student personal information:
Funkaar Institute do not share student personal information with companies, organizations and individuals outside of Funkaar.
Funkaar Institute performs identity verification through the Mandatory Online Checkin with student Digital Signature.
Funkaar instructors verify student attendance through direct in-person signature by the student on class date or login history available from GotoMeeting for distant learning or Student Digital Signature on login screen for distant learning.
Funkaar Institute issues a Certificate of Completion after student successfully attends all registered class per course or term.
Student name for access to digital syllabi utilize encoding to protect against identity theft.
14.1 Funkaar wants to make the classroom a focused and safe learning experience for all students. Please observe the following Classroom Etiquette and code of conduct as expected student decorum:
Funkaar Institute reserves the right to refuse service or products to anyone.
We expect professional behavior both in and out of class from our students towards other students and instructors.
Recording or photos of lecture are not permitted. State laws deem it illegal to record instruction without the consent of the instructor. We want all students to feel comfortable asking targeted exam questions.
Lecture content is confidential and can not be posted or emailed.
Student full name is required on the attendee roster. Students logged in without a name will be dismissed.
Only registered students are permitted in class. The lecture must not be audited or attended by others.
It's inappropriate to discuss or recommend competing exam prep providers to other students.
Students discussing or suggesting violation of Funkaar policies will be dismisses and barred from further instruction.
Arrive early and ready to learn.
Instruction will not be repeated due to late arrival or if you walk away from your device.
Do not solicit other students for email addresses or lecture notes.
Stay muted to avoid background noise. Unmute to ask a question or use the chat window for questions.
Ask questions suited for a professional environment and in a professional manner.
Speak only for yourself and avoid asking for exceptions.
Do not refer to instructor by first name.
Avoid arguments or repeated rebuttals to instruction.
Avoid haggling after enrollment or repeated demands for discounts.
Funkaar provides classroom based education. Students are responsible for attendance and participation in their learning process.
Funkaar and its instructors reserve the right to dismiss or cancel current/future registration for those exhibiting disruptive behavior on phone, email, in class or any other communication medium.
Violation of this policy also prohibits access to Funkaar out of class services including but not limited to: instructor mentoring, response to emails, private tutoring, online mock exams, syllabus, mocks, simulators, or any other requests for services out-of-class.
Disruptive behavior during class consists of but is not limited to yelling, swearing, slamming the table, anger, argumentative behavior, continuous lecture interruptions, speaking over or cutting off the instructor, commanding the class, continuous debates, private conversations, haggling, cell phone use, rudeness, threats or anything else the instructor deems disruptive to the learning environment.
Dismissed students do not qualify for a refund for holding a seat, attending lecture, using class resources, and causing harm to the instructor or class culture.
Syllabus access will be immediately stopped for dismissed students.
It is the student's responsibility to carry a Paypal receipt as proof of registration. Any display of anger for failiing to provide proof of payment will result in dismissal from class indefinitely.
Students must leave class peacefully if ordered by the instructor. Security is always available to remove any disruptive student out of class.
Funkaar holds little patience for disrespectful attitude. Come to class happy and eager to learn!
As part of classroom peace, we ask peaceful students not to interfere if a disciplinary action is being taken towards an unruly student. Let us handle it!
Students are only allowed access to campus facilities during class hours. These include: classroom, toilets, vending machines or cafeteria. Students may not used classrooms after or before hours for study groups or for personal use. Students are not allowed to use Funkaar rental office copiers or computers.
We take threats of defamation of character, slander, posting of copyright material, etc seriously. Students making threats will be immediately barred from Funkaar services.
14.2 Funkaar observes the following Professional Ethics and any all ethics rules required by any state board of examiners:
Funkaar does not permit architects in any ARE prep classes (exception is provided for CSE or NCIDQ only).
Funkaar does not permit instructors or competitors or agents of prep programs in classes.
College or continuing education instructors with intent to duplicate Funkaar instruction or use Funkaar material for instruction are not permitted in our classes.
Funkaar does not sell any exam prep material sold on our website whether tangible or otherwise to competitors or instructors seeking training.
Students must disclose if they are licensed architect.
Students must disclose if they are ARE instructors or competitors.
Failure to disclose or attempt to mislead will be considered a violation of these policies and lead to dismissal indefinitely. Funkaar will furthermore report such violation of professional ethics to the state board of examiners.