Funkaar Pass Rate
NCARB Pass Rate
Exam Sequence & Course Content
Architect READY™ On-Site Course
Funkaar Institute Architect READY On-Site Course is ideal for group tutoring held at your office. We support the architecture industry by providing disciplined and orderly education that you seek. Over the past 14-years, Funkaar has taught at numerous private offices. Call us to schedule a course at your office.
The course is typically taught over one week but can be customized for any time frame you desire. Course content is identical to the 4-month course. Lectures are note intensive, where students actively take notes similar to a traditional classroom environment. With this method, students can walk away with quantifiable education within a set of lecture notes based around a series of line items covering key ARE content. This note taking process promotes student classroom participation and aides in memorization of content for exam preparation. Aside from intense lecture on exam content, students are additionally provided a Study Methodology with Digital Syllabus with limited access, exam breakdown, daily study routine, in-class mock exam questions and a recommended time line to take the exams concurrently with the course. Our recommended time-line for testing encourages taking the ARE upon course conclusion over a 4-month post course period. A daily study routine for each division is provided in class for 3-hours of home study each day after class.

Funkaar Pass Rate
CAB Pass Rate
C.S.E READY™ On-Site Course
Funkaar Institute California Supplemental Examination (C.S.E.) Ready Course is typically an 3-day course for the new computerized multiple choice exam. The course offers a step-by-step approach for exam preparation. Lecture covers key exam content for each Test Plan item, exam approach and answering strategies. Lectures are note intensive where students actively take notes like a traditional classroom environment. With this method, students can walk away with quantifiable education within a set of lecture notes based around a series of line items covering key CSE Test Plan. Students are provided a Study Methodology with Syllabus, exam breakdown, daily study routine, in-class mock exam questions and a recommended time line to take the exams concurrently with the course. A daily study routine is provided in class for 2 hours of home study each day after class.
Exam Sections & Course Content
General Practice
Programming / Design
Development / Documentation
Bidding / Construction